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Sunday Services:

11:00am Worship Service



10:00am Adult Education Class




First Sunday of each month

Contact Us:

P: 1.828.526.3175


471 Main Street

Highlands, NC 28741

Office Hours:

M-Th 9:00am - 4:30pm

F        CLOSED


Music Ministry


     First Presbyterian Church of Highlands has a vibrant and extensive music program.  The Chancel Choir is led by Dr. Michael Lancaster, Director of Worship and Music, who also serves as Conductor of the Asheville Symphony Chorus.   Ms. Angie Jenkins, Director of Music Ministry/Organist, has served as the principal accompanist at First Presbyterian Church since 1976.  

     In addition to the Chancel Choir and Sacred Sounds Bell Choir, many world-class guest instrumentalists and vocalists - as well as occasional guest choirs - greatly enhance multiple worship services throughout the year.  Two "Bluegrass Sundays" are scheduled each year.  Additionally, a number of concerts throughout the season, in addition to old-fashioned Hymn Sings, and a Christmas Carol Sing each December.  The church installed a two-manual 16 rank Wicks pipe organ in 2004.




Life Events



First Presbyterian Church of Highlands believes that marriage is a holy ritual before God and that our sanctuary and chapel are dedicated to worship and the appropriate celebration of our faith traditions, both those of the Presbyterian Church USA, and of our local church family.  As stated in the Book of Order, we believe that "Marriage is a gift God has given to all humankind for the well-being of the entire human family.  Marriage involves a unique commitment between two people, traditionally a man and a woman, to love and support each other for the rest of their lives.  The sacrificial love that unites the couple sustains them as faithful and responsible members of the church and the wider community."


First Presbyterian Church is more than simply a historic sanctuary in a beautiful mountain setting.  While we recognize that many couples are initially attracted by the charm and simple elegance of our facility, we believe that this alone is not a sufficient reason to seek permission to be married at First Presbyterian Church.  The policy below spells out those steps which are required in order to be married here. Read it carefully and prayerfully, and if you are still interested in seeking permission to be married at First Presbyterian Church, please complete a Wedding Registration Form and email it to


   Policy for a Christian Wedding

   Wedding Registration Form

   Planning Your Wedding - A Timeline & Your Reception in Coleman Hall





















We offer the sacrament of baptism for people of all ages, including infants and                                                                                           children.  During baptism, parents affirm their promise to live the Christian                                                                                               faith and teach that faith to their child, and the congregation promises to assist                                                                                           the parents in the Christian nurture of their children.  Please contact

Rev. Emily Wilmarth for information about child or adult baptism.







Funerals and Memorial Services

First Presbyterian Church feels members and their families

should be aware of the important issues and decisions surrounding

death, its implications for our faith, and its impact on family

members.  We recommend discussing any questions you may have

with our pastor, Rev. Emily Wilmarth.


   A Guide for Christian Memorial and Funeral Services

   Request for the Interment of Ash Remains

   Memorial Garden Use & Procedures Policy



First Presbyterian
Church of Highlands



471 Main Street

Highlands, NC 28741

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